On The Issues

Advocating for families and parental rights

Parental rights are fundamental to ensuring that parents can make decisions that best support their children's upbringing, education, and well-being.   I am dedicated to advocating for these rights, ensuring parents have the autonomy and support to raise their children in a safe, nurturing environment. The Parental Rights Initiative 2081 passed in the Spring of 2024 (by a vote of 82 to 15 in the House and 49 to 0 in the Senate) and became law on June 6, 2024.  The new law is being challenged up to and including the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal.   See here and here for more details on the challenges this law faces. 

To be more involved and educated regarding parents' rights, consider joining the Washington Parent's Network to get the latest information regarding our schools and the challenges facing our students, including the assault against girls' sports as well as bathroom/shower room access (Title IX) and record student learning losses.

Economic Stability and Growth for Every Household

Economic stability and growth for every household is vital for building strong, resilient communities.  My mission is to support legislation that reduces taxes both for families and small businesses to help stimulate our economy.  Additionally, I will support reducing red-tape for homebuilders and home remodeling companies to expedite increased housing stock and reduce cost of building and remodeling.

Public Safety

Public safety is a cornerstone of a thriving community, ensuring all residents feel secure in their homes, workplaces, and public spaces. I am committed to enhancing public safety with more police officers and proactive community policing that fosters community partnerships.  By investing in modern technology, ongoing training for first responders, and community engagement initiatives, we strive to create a safer environment for everyone. Together, we can build a community where public safety is a shared responsibility and a collective achievement.


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Together, let's stand up for our values, advocate for families, and freedom.

Join us today and be a catalyst for positive transformation in our society. Your commitment makes all the difference.